About Mothering Across Continents

Peacebuilders Director of Operations
A growing number of people, particularly women, want to make a difference in the lives of orphans and vulnerable children around the world.
Mothering Across ContinentsSM (MAC) is a 501c3 non-profit through which volunteer "catalysts" receive consulting, coaching and mentoring to develop dream projects that help raise tomorrow's leaders. We've launched and supported projects in four continents.
Projects begin when a potential catalyst approaches Mothering Across Continents with a grass-roots idea that needs focus and a strategy, or, we discover a worthy project and invite someone with passion and commitment to guide it. Projects:
- Take place in an impoverished location
- Begin with a pilot and "seed" funding
- Revolve around: education, nutrition, health, joy and peace
- Are monitored to achieve dramatic results and become models